
class SingleRequest<R> : Request, SizeReadyCallback, ResourceCallback

A Request that loads a com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.Resource into a given Target.



The type of the resource that will be transcoded from the loaded resource.


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open fun begin()
Starts an asynchronous load.
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open fun clear()
Cancels the current load if it is in progress, clears any resources held onto by the request and replaces the loaded resource if the load completed with the placeholder.
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open fun getLock(): Any
Returns the lock to use when notifying individual requests.
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open fun isAnyResourceSet(): Boolean
Returns true if a resource is set, even if the request is not yet complete or the primary request has failed.
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open fun isCleared(): Boolean
Returns true if the request has been cleared.
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open fun isComplete(): Boolean
Returns true if the request has completed successfully.
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open fun isEquivalentTo(o: Request): Boolean
Returns true if this Request is equivalent to the given Request (has all of the same options and sizes).
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open fun isRunning(): Boolean
Returns true if this request is running and has not completed or failed.
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open fun <R> obtain(    context: Context,     glideContext: GlideContext,     requestLock: Any,     model: Any,     transcodeClass: Class<R>,     requestOptions: BaseRequestOptions<out Any>,     overrideWidth: Int,     overrideHeight: Int,     priority: Any,     target: Target<R>,     targetListener: RequestListener<R>,     requestListeners: List<RequestListener<R>>,     requestCoordinator: RequestCoordinator,     engine: Engine,     animationFactory: TransitionFactory<out Any>,     callbackExecutor: Executor): SingleRequest<R>
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open fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException)
A callback method that should never be invoked directly.
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open fun onResourceReady(    resource: Resource<out Any>,     dataSource: DataSource,     isLoadedFromAlternateCacheKey: Boolean)
A callback method that should never be invoked directly.
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open fun onSizeReady(width: Int, height: Int)
A callback method that should never be invoked directly.
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open fun pause()
Similar to clear for in progress requests (or portions of a request), but does nothing if the request is already complete.
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open fun toString(): String