
Responsible for starting loads and managing active and cached resources.


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open fun Engine(    memoryCache: MemoryCache,     diskCacheFactory: DiskCache.Factory,     diskCacheExecutor: GlideExecutor,     sourceExecutor: GlideExecutor,     sourceUnlimitedExecutor: GlideExecutor,     animationExecutor: GlideExecutor,     isActiveResourceRetentionAllowed: Boolean)


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open class LoadStatus
Allows a request to indicate it no longer is interested in a given load.


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open fun clearDiskCache()
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open fun <R> load(    glideContext: GlideContext,     model: Any,     signature: Key,     width: Int,     height: Int,     resourceClass: Class<out Any>,     transcodeClass: Class<R>,     priority: Any,     diskCacheStrategy: DiskCacheStrategy,     transformations: Map<Class<out Any>, Transformation<out Any>>,     isTransformationRequired: Boolean,     isScaleOnlyOrNoTransform: Boolean,     options: Options,     isMemoryCacheable: Boolean,     useUnlimitedSourceExecutorPool: Boolean,     useAnimationPool: Boolean,     onlyRetrieveFromCache: Boolean,     cb: ResourceCallback,     callbackExecutor: Executor): Engine.LoadStatus
Starts a load for the given arguments.
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open fun onEngineJobCancelled(engineJob: EngineJob<out Any>, key: Key)
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open fun onEngineJobComplete(    engineJob: EngineJob<out Any>,     key: Key,     resource: EngineResource<out Any>)
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open fun onResourceReleased(cacheKey: Key, resource: EngineResource<out Any>)
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open fun onResourceRemoved(resource: Resource<out Any>)
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open fun release(resource: Resource<out Any>)
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open fun shutdown()