Package com.bumptech.glide.integration.compose


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annotation class ExperimentalGlideComposeApi
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typealias RequestBuilderTransform<T> = (RequestBuilder<T>) -> RequestBuilder<T>

Mutates and returns the given RequestBuilder to apply relevant options.


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fun GlideImage(    model: Any?,     contentDescription: String?,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     alignment: Alignment = Alignment.Center,     contentScale: ContentScale = ContentScale.Fit,     alpha: Float = DefaultAlpha,     colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,     requestBuilderTransform: RequestBuilderTransform<Drawable> = { it })

Start a request by passing model to RequestBuilder.load using the given requestManager and then applying the requestBuilderTransform function to add options or apply mutations if the caller desires.

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fun <DataTypeT : Any> GlideLazyListPreloader(    state: LazyListState,     data: List<DataTypeT>,     size: Size,     numberOfItemsToPreload: Int,     fixedVisibleItemCount: Int? = null,     requestBuilderTransform: PreloadRequestBuilderTransform<DataTypeT>)